TY Live Blog

Concern Debating

Sacred Heart has a long tradition of participating in the Concern Debating Competition.

The Concern Debates is Concern Worldwide's flagship education programme for schools. It has been running for almost 40 years and has engaged over 60,000 people!

Transition Year students Clodagh McCarthy, Aideen O Sullivan, Realtin Deli and Sophie Bell took part in their first Debate against Waterpark College, Waterford on Thursday, October 12th.The girls were assisted by Researchers Amber Appelbe ,and Clodagh O Sullivan. The girls opposed the Motion “Africa will Regret its Reliance on China”.

Thanks also to Adriana Cullinane, a member of last years Debating team for all her advice and encouragement,and to invited guest , First Year student, Lillie Hayes ,who was on the All Ireland Debating Winning Team for Ardfield National School in 2022.

Well done to all on a very challenging , yet thought provoking Motion. We await the result.

The girls have begun researching for their next Debate against Cashel Community School.The Motion for this Debate is “African nations must be allowed to develop fossil fuel resources to help lift their people out of poverty”.

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